how to resolve ORA-00059: maximum number of DB_FILES exceeded

SQL> show parameter db_files

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
db_files                             integer     200

SQL> select count(*) from v$datafile;


This issue result as a result of datafiles in the database has reached the number of db_files parameter in the database.

To resolve this, follow the below steps:

First, take the backup of the spfile with the below command:


$ cp -p spfileSID.ora spfileSID.ora_11082014

Also create a backup copy of the pfile in /tmp directory with below command:

SQL> create pfile='/tmp/pfileSID.ora' from spfile;

File created.

SQL> alter system set db_files=800 scope=spfile;

System altered.

Bounce the database for the change to take effect.

SQL> shutdown immediate;

SQL> startup


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