How to resolve - ORA-09925: Unable to create audit trail file

When audit directory adump get filled, it prevents application from further connection and throw below error :

ORA-09925: Unable to create audit trail file
Linux-x86_64 Error: 28: No space left on device
Additional information: 9925
ORA-02002: error while writing to audit trail
ORA-09925: Unable to create audit trail file
Linux-x86_64 Error: 28: No space left on device
Additional information: 9925

At this stage, as a DBA, you need to urgently resolve the issue because everyone will be calling that they cannot access the database.

The first thing to do is to check if the file syste is filled up which might not show you 100% because is only the size defined for audit location is reached when you run df -h.

However, the inode of the filesystem has reached 100% and that is why it cannot create further login audit files and so could not allow anyone login to the database until the space is freed. To find out if the inode is filled, run df -ih command on the linux system, you will find out that the path is alraedy 100% filled.

Now the next urgent thing to do is to freed this location. Note that any operation on this path will hang as there is no space to process the operation.

So the best and quickest action to resolve this issue is to use one single command to rename the audit directory and at the same time re-create the audit (adump) directory, change the ownership and permission as the original adump directory all commands in one line as shown below.

mv adump adump_bkp;mkdir adump;chown oracle:dba adump;chmod 760 adump;

This will immediately create new adump directory with same permission as original one to make available the database as it rename the initial adump to adump_bkp.

once it succeeds, run df -ih command again to find the current status.

The essence of using one single command to achieve this purpose is because is either it succeed or it fail and rollback.

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